Top > Company > Philosophy

We want to respect the traditional soul
and spirit found within all Japanese craftsman.
To continue the creation of top of the line brushes using and preserving traditional ways as well as finding new and improved methods to better the quality of our products for our world-wide customers. Never cutting short on quality and care of each product we make and never forgetting that our success is because of you, our valued customers and equally our craftsmen and craftswomen who put their heart and soul into the creation of each and every brush we make.
Message from the President
As we celebrate our 116th years of brush making, we would like to first and foremost thank you, our loyal customers, for giving us this opportunity to serve you and allowing us to be creative with the making of your tool at hand. Whether it be a make-up brush or a calligraphy brush, it is with pride that we are making each as perfect as they were meant to do that perfect job, for that perfect person, you.
Starting 2017, we take a new step, expanding our reach on a global scale with our new English website in hopes to touch more people, more lives and together, grow and flourish as one circle of Fude(brush) community.
At this time, I have become the company's president seat taking over for my father, (Hiroshi Niwa) third generation Houkodou President becoming the 4th generation president.
My promise to everyone, past and present is that I will continue to preserve and use the traditional ways that made us and brought us to this point and moving forth, I will be open minded to the betterment of our product, keeping in mind and heart, our customers and our Artisans and the way perfection should be.
I invite you to join us as we celebrate the coming of our 117th year as well as the New Year 2017 at online on our new website.
Looking ahead, we will be making every effort to ensure that HouKoDou becomes an "Indispensable and an Individual Company" and continue to enjoy a long and close relationship with our customers. I would greatly appreciate your ongoing support.
Tomoko Ihara
HouKoDou Inc.